Funded Kinder at AWELC

Early childhood education is the key to a child’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Research shows that quality early childhood education sets a child up for success throughout their school years.

We believe that every child is entitled to a strong foundation for lifelong success. We are committed to supporting children to discover who they are and develop lifelong skills by providing a play-based learning program with our passion and professionalism.

How our Kinder Program supports school readiness and a holistic development

  • Support children’s emerging autonomy, interdependence, resilience, and sense of agency.

  • Create an environment that promotes self- growth and confidence in self-identities

  • Build upon positive social skills through group experiences and creating a learning space where the children learn to cooperate and collaborate

  • Provide guidance in understanding of fairness, respect, and responsibility

  • Focus on the children’s emotional, spiritual, health and physical wellbeing within the learning environment

  • Embed literacy and numeracy through play-based learning experiences and intentional teaching group times throughout the day

  • Embrace range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching & investigating

  • Celebrate disposition for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination & reflexivity

  • Role model effective communication to support children to share their ideas, feeling and needs

  • Foster children’s creativity, exploration, growth and learning in a supportive environment